Friday, September 14, 2012

Basketball and The Male Reproductive Organ

Here you go! The new installment in the chronicle of my adventure here in Ecuador. 

I forgot to talk about a few things:
1. A little note about how I get to and from school. My bus is a 12 passenger but we end up cramming around 25 kids in there. Then we crank up the reggaton remixes of various songs and make our way around town to drop kids off. It's quite different from the quiet, philosophical, conversations I would share with my man Chris Hager on the way home in Northfield. Just...different. 

2. As you can see, I got a few hairs cut. Someone tell my hairdresser, Karla, I'm sorry. My school made me shave my mustache and goatee so I look like I'm 12 again. I decided to embrace this with a little push from Andrew and Magnus. We were in the barbershop and, on a whim, I decided to get an Ecuadorian cut. sooo...there it is I guess. When in Rome!

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